Blog Running Vacations
Our story GUIDES 

Growing up in a running adventures family

Oriol Rodriguez Moret FEB 2022

I've been running up and downhill since I was a child, and I've climbed high mountain peaks like Canigó and Carlit... And this, among other things (such as traveling to almost every continent), has resulted in me being an active child. brave and strong.

My parents running adventures company, my life

If I can go up and down mountains, travel every year, and be the person I am, it is because of my parents' company, Run The World Adventures.

That is why I owe a lot to this business, and I always try to go on my father's tours to make you laugh and enjoy yourself even more.

"Can I go running?."

I'm also a guide

Runner jumping in the desert

But don't think I only go there to help my parents; I also go because I enjoy it. True, it is more difficult for me to talk to customers and get to know them on the first day because I do not speak the language fluently (ie English). But after getting to know them and making friends with them, I really like them and don't want to leave. When the tour concludes, I am heartbroken; the only thing that cheers me up is the possibility of seeing them again on another tour.

If you ask why I like running the answer is to get to know new places, but not only for this reason but also because when I run and get tired I feel euphoric, it's like an overflow of positive energy that gives me strength to run . Even more or to do anything or overcome any challenge. 

Contact Pablo and Cristina


Hello, I'm

I am the one working behind the scenes, making sure everything is well prepared for your running trip.

Running vacations destinations

These are the running trips Cristina and Pablo organize since 2011.

Costa Rica - Pacific Jungle

6 days running expedition by the Jungle.

Video Costa Rica

Spain - Costa Brava

7 days running vacation by the the Costa Brava.

Morocco - Atlas to Sahara

6 days crossing the Atlas Mountains towards the Sahara desert.

Pyrenees - France to Spain

Running adventure crossing from France towards the Mediterranean sea.

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