Blog Running Vacations

How do I run while on vacation?

Pablo Rodriguez MAR 2022

People may think that in order to have a run during vacations, they need to make a detailed plan before they get there. However, in my experience, there are other ways to do this, such as:

Just start running in any direction without a plan, and you'll soon see how your inner journey starts and how quickly you can go to many places and learn how the streets work in each one. 

Pablo's tips for running during vacation

Go for it, is always the right choise to go for a run, you can see more in an hour running than in a whole days of been a normal tourist.


Use Oruxmaps

Oruxmaps is my little secret when going for runs on my own and when planning new itineraries. This app enables me to take photos and pinpoint them on a map so I can return to the beginning spot.

Using a tool such as Oruxsmaps and making mental notes of points of interest is a good way to get lost in an unknown city. Using this app, you will be able to reliably get back to where you started without any problems.


Make mental notes, enhance your navigation

Try to thing more like a hunter than like a runner, ask always questions to yourself like, what direction am I going, which places have it been, running by an unknown place is not the time to be absentminded.

Find a local running company

But if we're talking about a geographical area rather than a city, hiring an organization like ours is, in my opinion, the best option.

We've been developing our trips for more than 11 years. When someone joins one of our experiences, they stop being tourists and start being locals.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to proceed during a vacation is to take a running vacation with us.

"“You don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running.”"

More ideas about running while in vacations

When you go on a trip, it can be hard to keep up with your running schedule. Pack essentials and extras for a great vacation run. You may need a blister kit and bug spray, depending on your destination. If you're traveling for a race, consider packing a carry-on to reduce the risk of lost luggage.

Prepackaged snacks are a small and easy supplement to throw in your bag when flying. A handheld water bottle or vest with a hydration bladder can make it easier to stay hydrated. If running is important to you, use these strategies to keep yourself motivated and involved with other runners in your area. Some runners use GPS watches (also called fitness trackers) to find places to run. These apps drain phone batteries, so bring a backup. 

Group runs while on vacatiosn

Group runs are a great way to discover new trails while touring a new place. Some runners actually run errands while they're on the road. This turns a boring task into an exciting adventure.

Wake up early

Waking up early on vacation may sound dreadful when all you want is a few days to sleep in, but the feeling of accomplishment that comes afterwards will make up for it. Plan to complete your training runs early in the morning so you have plenty of time for sight-seeing and beach trips. Running during vacation provides us with so many opportunities for sight-seeing on foot. Plan your runs to be a little more relaxed to allow yourself time for a break if the opportunity presents itself. These must-read training tips will help you continue running while traveling with ease.

Be aware of your surroundings and make sure someone knows where you are going before you go out. Most of us head out on vacation looking forward to time spent relaxing and indulging without guilt. These must-read training tips will help you continue running while traveling with ease!

Runner jumping in the desert

Understand your limitations

 There are a few ways to continue running while on vacation without taking away from sight-seeing and relaxing. If you have some easy runs planned, don't be afraid to count those hiking and walking miles towards your runs.

If your vacation is going to be busy and full of activities, start rearranging your training plan a few weeks early. A busy vacation may mean that you need to complete your long run on Tuesday rather than Saturday. Running during vacation provides us with so many opportunities for sight-seeing on foot.


Contact Pablo and Cristina


Hello, I'm

I am the trip designer and running guide leader at Run The World Adventures.

Running vacations destinations

These are the running trips Cristina and Pablo organize since 2011.

Costa Rica - Pacific Jungle

6 days running expedition by the Jungle.

Video Costa Rica

Spain - Costa Brava

7 days running vacation by the the Costa Brava.

Morocco - Atlas to Sahara

6 days crossing the Atlas Mountains towards the Sahara desert.

Pyrenees - France to Spain

Running adventure crossing from France towards the Mediterranean sea.

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